Gold Cigarettes
Monday, November 23, 2009
Tobacco dependence
Experts characterise tobacco dependence as difficult and non-uniform structure of a clinical pathology. Its roots on the one hand leave in конституциональные преморбидные features of mental activity of a brain, and with another in малоизученные spheres of the biochemical mechanisms making a basis of frustration of an inclination. Phenomenologically tobacco dependence is characterised by loss in sphere of thinking of the control "I" over occurrence and the termination of memoirs and representations, desires of repeated smoking of tobacco with simultaneous development of clinic of a syndrome of a pathological inclination to smoking of tobacco, a syndrome of cancellation, remissions and relapses.
Tobacco dependence on a class V МКБ-10, adapted for use in the Russian Federation, is included in section [F10-F19] “Mental frustration and the behaviour frustration, connected (caused) by the use of psychoactive substances” in a heading (F1х.2) “a dependence Syndrome”, in a heading (F17.3х) “the Syndrome of cancellation of tobacco”, and (F17.0х) “the Sharp intoxication caused by the use of tobacco (a sharp nicotinic intoxication)”. Tobacco does not concern to to “to the List of narcotics, psychotropic substances and them прекурсоров, subject to the control in the Russian Federation (lists I, II, III)”, and absence in clinic of tobacco dependence psychoorganic дефицитарной semiology and the changes of the person caused by smoking of tobacco, defines a special place of tobacco dependence among frustration of inclinations.
Tobacco dependence is diagnosed at level to 90 % for persons who daily smoke tobacco.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
How to measure the nicotine content?
When the tobacco companies have realized this, they began to learn how you can increase the number of rolling in the free form of nicotine. It turned out that this is done quite simple - you just need to increase the alkalinity (pH) of tobacco smoke. This can be achieved by adding tobacco ammonium phosphate, ammonium and / or urea.
At one time, a sharp increase in sales of Marlborough called attention to other producers of tobacco. An analysis of Marlboro cigarettes, competitors came to the conclusion that "the technology of ammonia (or urea) was essentially the" spirit "Marlboro".
The note by the tobacco company R.Dzh.Reynolds said: "The method of ISO / FTC nicotine by definition can be misleading. Critical exponent is not the mass of nicotine, which enters the human body, and then, in any form is nicotine. The greater the ratio of a free and bound nicotine, the more bioavailable for absorption of nicotine.
The method of ISO / FTC measure the nicotine content only in the residue on the filter, but does not give information about the nicotine in the form of flying.
Therefore, printed on the pack levels of nicotine - a deliberate deception of the consumer of light cigarettes.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Quit smoking .. it is dangerous for your health (optimistic advice for those who quit smoking cannot)
1) it dangerous to health. First to my mental health.
Now, when I smoke regularly, and even get Dont idea in my head that I should get rid of this habit, - Im relaxed, everything is fine. But when I think about quitting, I decline, became nervous and actually going mad. I tried to get out of habit, but sooner or later the time came when I had the desire to take a cigarette. As a result, my self-esteem suffers: I lost my composure and took a cigarette, it meant that I Couldnt keep giving me the floor.
2) damage to the teeth and figures
As soon as I quit smoking, has caused an insatiable appetite. I would especially like sweets: I started eating a lot of candy, cookies and many other unhealthy things. As a result, my waist was crushed, and I began to visit the dentist more often.
3) it dangerous for your life!
I Dont overestimate! One day, I decided to quit smoking once and fought until the end of 3 weeks 2 days and 13 hours! But then I went crazy, and I ran at full speed, to buy cigarettes. And right on the road during a red light, I was almost hit by car!
4) To deprive yourself of an important element of style Sexy
Cigarette is an integral part of my personality in society. In the end, premature wrinkles full of garbage, compared to stunning effect, which I produced on the environment, especially from men. According to physiologists, a beautiful woman with a cigarette passionate evokes associations of people (remember the stunning scene in "Basic Instinct with Sharon Stone).
5) to deprive me of the daily supply of cheerfulness
The morning begins with the following: hands looking for a cigarette and a lighter. After the first inhalation opened my eyes and I see that morning, Awesome! Days when I Didn't smoke, have convinced me that I get this feeling only after a dose of nicotine.
6) It means to lose touch with collaborators
Coffee with a cigarette during a break at work, not just the community. It is a ritual! Smoking-room is the only place to become friends! Only in the smoking room can easily solve the questions!
7) a danger to society
In abstaining from smoking Im explosive as gunpowder Burrel
In general, it is better not come near me when Im in such a state.
Make your own conclusions, tobacco smoke and amateurs!
How to smoke a cigar
Being first time cigar smoker to defer this time on the weekend or evening after a snack or main dish, alone or with friends. Good cognac or whiskey should be in your liquor cabinet. Creating a comfort: the chair, table. Ask your relatives do not bother you for some time.
But it is better not to touch, because the cigar band cigar outer shell can be broken. You can delete it at the end of smoking, if it bothers you, it will become more flexible on this point. If it is closed tip of a cigar, cut it close to almost the entire thickness. In this part of the upper must remain on the cigar, the outer shell does not come unfolded. Use special cigar guillotine knives for circumcision. If you do not have such documents, do it with a sharp knife.
Using matches to light a cigar, which can be purchased at tobacco shops, or you can also use a butane lighter. Preheat the cigar for a few seconds, holding it at a distance of 2.5 cm from the short flame. Puff at his cigar, rotating and making small inhalations, such methods provides direct combustion. The process of lighting up may take about 3 seconds. Smoke lightweight, heavy smoking does not give you real pleasure, a cigar becomes hot, and the aroma is too strong.
We chose the rate of smoking cigars compromise morphology, its strength and inhalation, you temperament and sensitivity to the flavor and strength. If a cigar is not lit, gently shake off the ashes, warm the tip and light it again. Smoke and enjoy the process.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Commander of "Pulcinella" and "horses" of the Fanconi
A good pub can kill hair cooks in the dish. Or a dirty glass with traces of someone else's lipstick. Or diluted alcohol. But perhaps nothing is more tense and not deterred visitors from the institution, as stupidity and rudeness of staff. People working in a restaurant can ruin his reputation quickly and irrevocably. Would have known restaurateurs, owners of expensive facilities, how many customers they lose just because of that mistake with the choice of administrators and managers of their points of catering ... Because the devil, as we know, is in the details. About them and tell.
Commander of Pulcinella
They visited us recently in the glorious hero-city of Odessa. Business partners, of course, invited to supper. At Lanzheronovskaya our small company has found a nice Italian restaurant Pulcinella. We went, we chose a table.
The people in the restaurant almost was not. Still, not summer, and weekday. What we frankly pleased. After all, very much wanted to eat. Yes, and it was necessary to discuss some business matters in a calm atmosphere, without any fuss.
Therefore, we expected that served us quickly, and noisy neighbors will not be bothered. In general, all around and went somewhere before half past ten. In the plates were no hair, just a stone found in the spaghetti carbonara. Around 22.30 our waiter politely inquired whether we have something hot, because the cook was about to leave. Hot, we did not want a coffee, a waiter with the words, he could have done to us and himself at the bar.
Around 23.00 a waiter, again politely, asked the calculation. Calculate did not forget about a decent tip. The waiter had gone home, and we left an unpleasant aftertaste. After all, we paid a considerable sum, and believed that the establishment of the tradition will work "until the last guest. Imagine our surprise when, in the shadows of an empty restaurant, a few meters it our table literally out of nowhere came the figure of man. He was staring at us as if hypnotizing. And we discern a strange night of the Commander. It was the keeper, an elderly man, who bluntly told us that, they say, nothing to sit here. Get out, they say, the citizens of visitors. We very politely, out of respect for gray hair, told the guard that decent schools is not accepted so insolent pack off customers. But the old man was adamant. Argue with him, we did not, and left the tavern.
In the arena - Fanconi
To somehow mitigate the unpleasant impression of muddle-headed guardian, decided to continue the evening in a nearby, not Catherine's, a restaurant Fanconi. Fortunately he was working almost around the clock. In the institution was more crowded. But with the bartenders and waiters, we counted about 10 people. In the nuances of the cuisine Fanconi after a filling dinner at Pulcinella delve no longer have. Thus, the program Dessert: coffee, ice cream, drinks, tobacco. Served us very quickly. But with cigarette smoke had no luck. First kalyanschik named Sergei explained to us that his shift ends. We, in turn, invited him to bring us "ingredients", and we'll ourselves a Fire in hookahs is decomposable. Apparently, our proposal was intrigued by Sergei, and he not only brought us a ready hookah, but after a generous tip and said he was ready to serve our table as much as we wish.
This, perhaps, a pleasant impression of Fanconi and over. Vanity in the tavern began when one of our colleagues finished cigarettes. He smokes Parliament Night Blue "and, as a heavy smoker, prefers not to change the brand of cigarettes. Is that, in extreme cases, can smoke "Davydoff. But in an assortment of restaurant or those or other cigarettes was not. We asked the waitress to go to the shop next door to the restaurant, and buy a pack of cigarettes. Of course, for an additional fee. In response to this, in general, quite normal for decent places in Europe, and the same in Kiev, a request where the client - after all its guests with money, and any of its reasonable demands of the waiters are usually trying to fulfill our waitress literally speechless from terror, and said that it was physically impossible. We too were surprised. Nobody is not intended to frighten the girl. In response to our surprise the waiter explained that for such a GROSS VIOLATIONS Timetable her severely penalized. We naively asked about the amount of penalty, and, perhaps, were willing to compensate with a vengeance. But the girl literally paralyzed. She only managed to squeeze out of himself, that the penalty of their administrator.
We, of course, drank another glass, and asked to invite the administrator. Explained to her the situation, and politely asked her to let "good" of our trip to the waitress at the nearby shop. Or, she went to the waiter not to distract from the work. But the administrator, apparently knew his main task as "tashshschit and puschschat". In any case, create a good mood its customers clearly not taught.
Our colleague told the administrator Irina story that happened to him in Italy, the home of the masters Fanconi's founding at the end of the century before last in Odessa network confectionery Fanconi. In one expensive restaurant, where our colleague went with a group of VIP-tourist, he wanted beer Obolon. Perhaps nostalgia tortured, and maybe - heartburn from the local wine. "Obolon", of course, in the range was not. Sorry, he ordered a mineral water. But then it went to the restaurant owner himself, and asked where the beer in Italy you can buy. He suggested that it was half an hour away, in another town, saw a drink in the hypermarket. The restaurant owner asked politely, what other dishes and drinks ordered the Ukrainian tourists. Apparently, calculated that the meal will go on for a couple of hours.
What a surprise it was our narrator, an hour later when he triumphantly brought several bottles misted with a distinctly familiar label. Of course, this restaurant in the face of our colleagues have gained a permanent and loyal customer. And as a colleague often been to those places, the restaurant has earned quite a few euros.
Unfortunately, the penetrating story of our fellow smoker is not adequately conceived action on the manageress Fanconi. She remained adamant. But the demon of curiosity has given us peace of mind. And together we still found at the reception, why is she so categorical. Explanations of the young ladies at the table called Homeric attack hohota.Ved she was "quite seriously" said - what if we ask the waiter and even a bottle of vodka we buy?
We, of course, can be suspected in various delicacies, but pull in an expensive bottle of liquor tavern to pour it out from under the floors, staff in the public eye, we still have not tried. In response to our jokes administartor behaved aggressively and started to threaten us with a security guard. We, in turn, asked for the complaint book.
After the third one reminder brought us this "book": the cover torn, the book is not sealed, records are not kept. Immediately became clear that this book - not for the inspectors. And the only excuse for dissatisfied customers. And they, according to the records, had accumulated a lot. Some even did not hesitate to express their attitude to administatoru with the aid of major Shift (see photo). Give his name administrator, we refused. SECURITY, who tried to flex its muscles, is also not named. But clearly taken aback when we asked him to call police, which would have settled and escalating conflict.
The fact that the administration is clearly not interested in a visit to the police institution, it became clear as soon as we moved full-time envoy from the institution. He introduced himself as Alexander shirt, a student at the Naval Academy, Bachelor of Law, and on sovmestiteltstvu - frequenter of Fanconi. And he, as a frequenter, said that the cafe Fanconi - monopoly cigarettes Dunhill. And that absolutely does not necessarily involve the police. What fiscal check us literally immediately bring. Etc. etc. After about a half-hour skirmish, we felt tired, and left the institution. The police, incidentally, never arrived. But, as told us in the street the restaurant employees, like the show administaritsiya establishments satisfied clients regularly.
Apparently, the owners Fanconi is less important than profits from loyal customers, as the notoriety of the restaurant and salty jokes staff on the bosses. He knew the old man would Fanconi's what happens under his sign ...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Camel cigarettes

Up to date, smokers may have found themselves feeling anxious and irritable, and not just for the usual reasons. A redesign of the Camel Lights packaging (the first since the brand's inception in 1913), coupled with a remix of the cigarette's long-standing recipe, poses a challenge to consumer brand loyalty.
The graphics on the package have been streamlined and stylized with bolder metallic colors and the cigarette has been enhanced with a blue stripe. It's still too early to tell what, if any effect the rebranding, launched in March, will have on sales, says RJ Reynolds Tobacco spokesperson David Howard. Camel Lights sell higher than all other Camel styles but Howard says, "part of the push behind this packaging refresh" was that the Lights' share of the market had become relatively flat. "In our focus group testing with adult smokers, both franchise smokers—current Camel smokers—as well as smokers of competitive brands, the response was very positive. Franchise smokers said that they liked the packaging as much if not more than the current packaging, they also liked the blend as much and found it at parity with Camel."
Friday, December 12, 2008
Gold Flake Cigarettes
Gold Flake is a well-known cigarette brand in
Goldflake was neither a brand nor a process of manufacturing cigarettes. The word "goldflake" refers to cigarettes made using 'bright rich golden tobacco'. Brands other than wills gold flake are Bacons' Gold Flake, Hignett's Golden Flaked Honey Dew, Salmon and Gulckstein's Gold Flake. One pack of 10 cigarettes cost accordingly: Gold Flake (plain, filter, regular size) Rs.28, Gold Flake Kings, Lights MRP is Rs.40. Packs of 20 can cost up to Rs.80.
Other popular cigarette brands owned by ITC are Wills & Scissors. Gold Flake is ITC's middle level brand in terms of price. The single largest brand in the country in value terms is Wills navy cut which was launched in July 1963.
The cigarette market in
Goldflake is widely sold brand in
ITC launched the brand Gold Flake in
The initial ads said, “Wherever you go they are peaunut butter”,” Having fun wish you were there” “Worth its length in gold”,then came the Gracious People Campaigns – “for the gracious people” as the headline followed by, “A touch of Gold”, with the headline "A tribute to the gracious people". Gold Flake had been traditionally positioned as a premium cigarette. It targeted adult, male SEC A category smokers. It was meant to be a cigarette for the elite and the rich – the gracious people of
The gracious people as defined by the brand were the premium class they were successful, elegant, and responsible, and had a sense of purpose. The consumer was bounded in the Indian ethos and roots. He was perceived to be unapproachable and sociable only in his high class.
The brand was still positioned as a premium cigarette. However, the target consumer had changed. Gold Flake now targeted the adult as well as the youth smokers. It extended beyond the SEC A category to the SEC B as well. The product did not boast any USP. It still differentiated itself on the purity and quality of its experience. The comparison with gold stayed, but the target audience the brand was reaching out to, was supposedly larger. The brand stood for a celebratory attitude. “Celebrate the feeling” was the new message. This was simply an extension of the previous message “For the gracious people”