Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How to smoke a cigar

Being first time cigar smoker to defer this time on the weekend or evening after a snack or main dish, alone or with friends. Good cognac or whiskey should be in your liquor cabinet. Creating a comfort: the chair, table. Ask your relatives do not bother you for some time.

But it is better not to touch, because the cigar band cigar outer shell can be broken. You can delete it at the end of smoking, if it bothers you, it will become more flexible on this point. If it is closed tip of a cigar, cut it close to almost the entire thickness. In this part of the upper must remain on the cigar, the outer shell does not come unfolded. Use special cigar guillotine knives for circumcision. If you do not have such documents, do it with a sharp knife.

Using matches to light a cigar, which can be purchased at tobacco shops, or you can also use a butane lighter. Preheat the cigar for a few seconds, holding it at a distance of 2.5 cm from the short flame. Puff at his cigar, rotating and making small inhalations, such methods provides direct combustion. The process of lighting up may take about 3 seconds. Smoke lightweight, heavy smoking does not give you real pleasure, a cigar becomes hot, and the aroma is too strong.

We chose the rate of smoking cigars compromise morphology, its strength and inhalation, you temperament and sensitivity to the flavor and strength. If a cigar is not lit, gently shake off the ashes, warm the tip and light it again. Smoke and enjoy the process.

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